Sunday 28 December 2008

un jour a whitby

so today was the whitby trip with liv and my parents. i totally heart that place, we managed to do all the sightseeing touristy bits within about two hours :D. me and liv ventured into the dracula museum, however, being the only two people in there scared the shit out of us so we ended up running through screaming, and ended up escaping via the fire exit. so much for being a vampire lover- sorry edward but i think i might pass on the fang loving from now on! we had fish and chips in this really quaint resturant called trenchers- it was totally art deco and i felt a bit 1920s! there was quite an attractive man working behind the bar however, so me and liv left our appreciation in the guestbook ;). i forced liv to climb up the 199 steps with me, counting each one as we went. unfortunatly i only reached 198- i guess a B in maths gcse doesn't count for much these days. of course, at the top was whitby abbey, so we had our customary tourist pose at the ruins. it's the most amazing gothic building, and i can see why so many writers take inspiration from the town. it seems almost never-changing, you could be in whitby in the 1800s and the town would be mostly the same- a coastal sleepy hollow. there's a real mysterious aura about the place that sets it apart and i can't wait to go back- hopefully in the summer- and explore some more. we also found the cutest little patisserie in whitby, amy, this photo is for you:

i love love love olivia as well, she makes every day a gigglefest and she's just one of the most easy-going, kind-hearted people i think i've ever met. it's strange how we've bonded so quickly, but now i don't think i could go through college without her. i know we've got many more adventures like today to come!

so now i'm packing for my jollydays, which i am beyond excited for. one week of sunshine (i hope), sand and sea! and alcohol and sexy spanish boys and most importantly getting to spend it all with francesca. the new year promises to be vair exciting, i've never been clubbing in a foreign country so that will be a new and interesting experience. knowing me i'll make a complete tit of myself but that's par for the course these days. i'm slightly worried about the work i'm going to be missing- my king lear coursework is looming over me like a black cloud, but a girl has to get her kicks somewhere and there's no way i'd rather be sat in college learning about the bard (god knows i love him) than sat on a beach watching the sun set. - a blog by my beautiful amigo gracie. - a blog my beautiful amigo amy. check them out if you're reading this :) they're good reads!

soon, i'm going to post my 100 things i wanted to do in 2008 with analysis on whether i did/did not do them (and the reasons why). it's always interesting to look back, but it's also interesting to look forward as well. 2009 is going to be a big year, i just know it. it's the year i turn 18 which is going to up many (alcoholic) doors, it's the year i have to pick my university (LONDON BABY. please) and it's the year prince harry will realize that his girlfriend is a blonde slag and that he'd be much better off with a 5"2 brunette from yorkshire who could help him enjoy the finer things in life. okay so the last one isn't too likely, but i can dream!

and on that note, this dreamer will take her leave! a bientot, victoria x

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