Saturday 4 April 2009

there is a light and it never goes out

blog neglect alert. i am a bad boy. real life is again catching up with me, and added to this i've been suffering from copious writer's block. so the online ramblings have been taking a back seat recently, however, i think it's time i made a return.

so yeah times have been lovely and shiny and happy these past few weeks. it's a combination of a lot of things- the nice weather always perks me up, and i've realized recently how lucky i am to have the friends i do (and i have to say, the new facebook relationship status is making me grin a fair bit as well ;) ). i feel like i've found a group of people i can trust a million percent, and i love it. unfortunatly, newfound strong friendships can put a strain on those which have been around for a lot longer. sometimes, it feels like the bonds fade from not seeing eachother enough, and it's easy for paranoia to set in. harsh words are a lot more easily exchanged over msn or on the phone than they are face-to-face and there's been times where i've felt like i've come close to losing three of the most important people to me altogether. i hope all three of them- they know who they are- know how much i still adore them, even if i can't show it as often as i'd like to.

god this is bad, i'm actually running out of things to say already. ummmm. have i read anything new? no. not really. have i listened to any good music? ooh. fleet foxes are a bit yummy and relaxing. and i like peter d's new album as well. although not as much as the libertines. but that's par for the course. i still wish they were headlining leeds fest, although i'm pleased with the headliners. arctic monkeys=love actually, although i think that's the same with any remotely 'indie' (SORRY FOR USING THAT WORD, PLEASE BURN ME AT THE STAKE) person. i saw last shadow puppets last year and they kicked absolute arse, so i know the monkeys won't disappoint, and we'll all be looking good on the dancefloor (see what i did there?). radiohead are a band i've never really listened to, so i'm going to try to get into them. i know of their complete legendary status so i'm confident i'll like them. and kings of leon are the sexiest band known to man, so that'll be good larks. i'm actually looking forward to it so much already. i know everyone's like 'it's at the end of august!' but last year it rolled around so quickly, i know we'll be sat outside our tents getting drunk on cheap cider in no time. BOLLLLLLLLOCKS!

hair dying time. imma going for my normal auburn shade, so nothing exciting. just about as exciting as this blog. sorry guys. i am a thick shit with nothing to say. oh my god that reminds me of one of my emo diary entries circa 2005 'i am an empty shell who does not deserve a name'. oh viki, you were a troubled soul.

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