Wednesday 18 March 2009

queen of the geordies

okay guys, time to come clean. i've been suffering with hairy feet for some time now and with the support of those nearest and dearest to me i've been able to confront my insecurites and display my tootsies with pride. the hair is here to stay, i think it just adds to my already ravishing beauty...

the past few days have been a lot better and considerably more stress-free, thank goodness. even though work is still burning on my mind, i'm learning to accept the fact that i might not receive the four As that i always assumed were guarenteed. i'm hoping i do my very best, i know that by the end of my gcses i had completley run out of steam and didn't perform as well as i could/should have. however i have genuine motivation to keep me going- the prospect of newcastle for which i will need at the very least AAB will hopefully make sure that i get my arse in gear and work. saying that, right now i should be preparing for my mock french oral tomorrow and i'm not, so... :/. however, it's hard to be totally stressed out when for once, everything else in life seems to be going just absolutley right and i've been all smiley, for various reasons.

one of those reasons is that today finally felt like the first day of spring. now i think that england is the most beautiful place in the world throughout all the seasons- each one has something to offer, even winter when everything is cold and dead. but spring is really special, everything feels so alive and new, fresh beginnings and all that. today the sun was shining, the daffodils were out in full force and we sat on the lawn outside college and had a very mini picnic and i just thought, this is the life! i hope the good weather continues, i'm not a 'cold wrap up warm' person at all, i can't wait for the long lazy summer.

oxbridge conference yesterday up in newcastle. becca drove me there and back, and at first i was slightly nervous as i didn't know her well at all, however we totally hit it off straight away and had a brilliant road trip, involving mcdonalds and cheesy music and getting lost around newcastle trying to find a piercing studio. i'm seriously considering getting a nose stud, but i'm terrified i'll look all common, i might do a little survey tomorrow to find out what people think of them haha. i watched becca get her industrial done, and i have to say, just looking at a needle made me feel slightly ill. however, one has to suffer in the name of fashion i suppose. it's funny how i travelled all the way to newcastle for an oxbridge conference and ended up falling in love with the city itself. it seemed so cosmopolitan and the people so friendly, whereas the students and tutors from oxbridge seemed almost cold and clinicial. i know i can't be happy in a place where work will always, always come first and for that reason i've decided oxbridge definitly isn't for me and i'm not going to waste a UCAS place applying. (not that i'd get in anyway). the parents are thrilled by this decision, espcially my 'inverted snob' dad who hates jack wills/ugg culture almost as much as i do. i think they'd already guessed that i would decide that oxbridge wasn't for me, and they want me to stay close to home. hopefully if i can get in somewhere like newcastle, it'll be the best of both worlds.

anyway i'm rather tired and i really should prepare for the french oral tomorrow and try to get just a little bit of sleep- i'm running low on slumber time at the moment- so i will bid adieu. 'parting is such sweet sorrow' as darling chris would say.

victoria x

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