Friday 6 March 2009

i return- fanfares please.

hello hello, to anyone who has been checking this blog every single hour in need of a new post (in which case please leave your name and address, a restraining order may be needed), i am very sorry! for once, real life (which means oodles of college work and knackeredness) has caught up on me and prevented me from posting. however it's friday night and i've found myself with nothing to do, so i thought an update was in order!

this week has been overly dramatic, it's like everything has been humdrum for the past few weeks and now it's all exploded. some of it is very good, some of it is bad. by nature, i'm not an argumentative or confrontational person- it takes a lot to ruffle my feathers and i hate any kind of falling out. so yesterday was pretty hard for me, having a massive argument with one of my closest friends. however, friendships are a bit like marriages, you have to work, and it's all 'give and take'. the particular girl in question i've been bezzers with for nearly six months now and we've never had any kind of major argument, so perhaps a bit of air clearing was needed? in any case things are fine now and i'm back to my normal chirpy self!

just watched last night's episode of skins and i think that it's one of the best in the series so far- JJ instantly became the most likeable and real character in the programme and the only one i can universally sympathise with (except pandora, who IS me). i thought the debussy music was inspired as well, it juxtaposed so well with the action scenes like cook and JJ running from the police. i don't know, i was really sceptical about this series of skins at first, and i still have to say series one is my all time favourite- but i don't agree at all with the massive backlash against this series. it's not the same programme- there have been fundamental changes, but in a lot of cases i think this is for the better and i can't wait to see how the rest of the series pans out :)

tomorrow will hopefully be fun. i'm seeing my own ron and hermione (also known as ryan and francesca) in leeds for shopping and cinema and general reunion times. it's weird how even just a couple of weeks after seeing them i feel as if i've lost a limb. i shall jump on them both tomorrow and we'll go to mcdonald's, because we're scaffs and it's the only place cheap enough. plus i want to save my money because i believe it's high time i bought a new going out dress. there's actually a nice one in primarni, £13, yer can't go wrong! i had to donate my last fiver to richard today, after losing our 'who will pass their driving test first' bet. the only silver lining is that he's agreed to drive me into college on thursdays, so i now get a second lie in every week! good, i've been needing more and more zzzzzzs recently.

yummy, i'm listening to travis, i'd forgotten how much i loved them albeit in a rather cringey way. spotify is my new best friend, if you don't have it, you should totes download it. it has every single album you can imagine on it so i'm rediscovering some right gems :) i'm thinking billie piper next? oh dear did i just say that out loud...

anyway i'm taking my leave as i have stuff to do, people to see, deals to make, you know, it's a busy life mine! bahaha. oh gosh driving tomorrow. last lesson wasn't my finest hour, making the instructor scream as i nearly cavorted into some old woman's car is quite funny looking back... however i really don't believe i'm supposed to be on the roads. i might stick to public transport and rely on my increasing number of driving friends to ferry me about :) thanks guys!

nanight, victoria x

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