Monday 9 February 2009

things i love monday #1

okay, i nicked it off galadarling (check her blog by the way, it's a humdinger.) but basically, monday is everyone's least favourite day of the week. so i've decided every monday my new thing is going to be to post the five things that are floating my boat, to cheer myself and anyone else up :). it's going to be books, music, anything that i'm enjoying right now. so hmm here we go!

1) rebecca by daphne du maurier- so i finished this yesterday. it's brilliant, if you like murder mysteries, romance, scary gothic stories, i totally recommend it. i'm going to buy the film methinks :)

2) lily allen's new album, "it's not me, it's you." espcially the tracks 'chinese' 'back to the start' and 'him'. totally lily at her best. 'back to the start' IS me and ellie, so it made me all emotional. also love how she's just blatantly ripped the chorus of take that's 'shine' for 'who'd have known' but just changed the lyrics. oh lil.

3) nick & norah's infinite playlist. i saw this on saturday and totally hearted it. kat dennings is gorgeous and such a good actress, and michael cera... well michael cera looks kind of like my ex boyfriend but that can't be helped. the story was so effing cute. "shit sandwich! we are shit sandwich!". i guarentee after seeing this film, you will never chew a piece of gum in the same way again.

4) i am BEYOND excited for coraline to come out. if you haven't already read it, do so. it might be a children's book but it is the scariest book i have ever read. you're all coming with me when it comes out at the cinema, i need some shoulders to bury my head and squeal in. the stuff of nightmares.

5) marianne dashwood. after re-reading sense and sensibility, i'm in love with her again. i think marianne is always going to be the austen heroine i identify most with, i think she's the freshest of all of them (except perhaps emma woodhouse). seventeen, addicted to literature, waiting for true romance and always believing there's something better out there- sounds slightly familiar. although i still debate with myself over whether she would have married colonel brandon really. i prefer the idea of her pining over willoughby forever more. oh well. jane knows best!

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