Friday 6 February 2009

last night i dreamt i went to manderley again

samsung g600, we hardly knew ye. sad news today guys- after a long and happy relationship, i am widowed after my lovely mobile died. whether it is to have a christ-like resurrection remains to be seen, but in the mean time i need numbers for my old nokia something or other please. so if you are reading this, and i am friends with you (or enemies, who knows) GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER BITCH. and i will be grateful and love you to all eternity, amen. my number is still the same by the way- won't post it on here for obvious reasons!

so tonight was lovely, i went round to charlie's house and we watched la vie en rose and played on the wii fit and i ate some of the loftus' fajitas, even though i'd already had tea, because i cannot resist mexican EVER. charlie's french partner, alexandre, was there as well and we had a right gigglefest hoola-hooping on the wii, which naturally i was hopeless at. typical that even virtual sports render me useless, one of these days i AM going to get fit and become a super athlete and win sixteen gold medals at the 2012 olympics. so suck on that. i'm thinking rowing might be my forte.

i actually kind of wish i had done french exchange this year, the partners all seem really nice and it really is a good way of improving votre francais. not to mention it looks pretty swish on ucas forms. no victoria, shut up about ucas. but i suppose i already did one with the hated sarah in year ten (angouleme- the french version of doncaster), so i can't really complain. besides, according to guillame my french is good enough anyway! tee hee hee. i do love completley immersing myself in the language though, i love being in france and speaking french all day. it's funny how it almost becomes instinct- sometimes i catch myself having little thoughts in french and it makes me smile. i remember in angouleme, i took a book with me (katie price- angel. i kid you not, my fifteen year old self was a badass) and i didn't open it until maybe the fifth day. it actually took me a few pages to get back into the swing of reading in english, i'd been so used to parlaying french. i definitly want to spend some time there, whether as part of university or a gap year. my dad told me the other day that he thinks i'm like a little bird who will soon want to fly the nest and that he can see me moving abroad. i don't know about a permanant move- i am so yorkshire born and bred it's untrue. i'm one of those annoying people who gets a lump in their throat when they see the yorkshire moors or an old man sat with a flat cap outside a pub with a whippet. i love god's own county.

so i'm halfway through rebecca, and i absolutly love it. i'm finding it genuinly chilling, and it's hard to find a book that isn't stephen king, scary. mrs danvers is such a lesbian creep, i love her. it's the perfect setting as well- having been to cornwall, i know how eerie it can seem. i will hopefully get it finished this weekend- sunday probably, i'm doing nothing else. and then i'm going to set myself the challenge of anna karenina, which i am not looking forward to but i feel has to be done. that'll take up my reading for at least two weeks i'd say, bad times. and then i want to read fear and loathing in las vegas. and revolutionary road. i'm going through a bit of an american literature phase at the moment, it's all about the discontment of the american dream maaan. on top of all this i'm supposed to be finding a monologue for theatre, i found one about percy shelley's first wife (she threw herself into the serpentine you know!) which seemed intruiging, also a gothic lezza fantasy which i might do just for the laughs. or there was the shakespeare katherine of aragon one, decisions decisions. i wish i could act, i really do.

so tomorrow i'm going to see benjamin button and swoon over brad pitt. i hope it's as good as the reviews say it is, i'm expecting a real treat. the concept slightly reminds me of the time traveller's wife, but hopefully not as sad. i shall just have to cry on mel's shoulder- i am tres excited about seeing her, elle and miranda. it's been too long and i love them dearly!

anyway i'm off to rest my sleepy head, it's late and my pillows look welcoming. sweet dreams.
victoria x

You're such a beautiful writer that's not all you are
I'm sorry about making a pass
It was subtle but I think that you grasped
The meaning intended
I can be a friend to you
I won't pretend I'm not interested in breaking your heart
It's not love no it's nothing like that
I'll leave that to lookers like him
Oh he's such a delicate thing
Now it's such a fragile thing that we have
I should be suspended from class - Suspended From Class, Camera Obscura

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