Thursday 22 January 2009

blairoholics anonymous

*goes into dreamlike trance* if i could have looked as hot as this in a school uniform, i swear i would have stayed at the girls' high. that's right, it's back and i am already hooked (how predictable). series two of gossip girl, which i have been looking forward to since...forever. okay slight exaggeration, but a long time. as predicted, my darling blair did not dissapoint. how hot was her outfit at the white party? although serena's dress just pipped it to the post, along with the best hairstyle i have ever seen in a gossip girl episode. speaking of serena... eeek! how happy am i that her and dan are back together? very, very- although something tells me the happiness isn't to last. i'm already counting down the days until next week's episode. oh blair waldorf. how easy life would be if i was you... *snaps out of trance*

hello everyone, sorry for that brief interruption! i am beyond absolutly knackered right now, i've reached the point where you're so tired that you feel wired. all thanks to amy and liv for keeping me up until 2 in the morning :D although we did have a good time at aerobics. sadly any hopes for a miraculous increase in my co-ordination were soon quashed so i just sort of bopped around and punched the air whilst liv and amy did complicated moves like 'grapevine' and 'square'. one day i WILL find a sport at which i can excel and become olympic standard. even if it's chess.

i'm so glad it's friday tomorrow, this week has gone by so slowly and really i just need some sleep. i'm planning to do nothing all weekend- my plans to go to a gig tomorrow night have been pretty much scuppered thanks to my never-ending skintness. i'm in the early stages of planning a charity- RSNMNV, the Royal Society (chief patron: The Queen) for the Nurturing of the Materialistic Needs of Victoria. All donations welcome to this very worthy cause, expect tear-inducing adverts on your telly any day now. i really wish i still worked at lush, i was thinking about how much i missed it today. it was the perfect job, selling (and getting to use!) products that i love, making customers feel great and putting smiles on their faces, and working with some really cool people who i actually do miss. i might beg for my job back when summer rolls around, god knows i'm in there badgering them often enough :) if anyone is ever looking for a job, i couldn't recommend working in lush more (the leeds one anyway!). it was the best bloody thing about my summer, i'll tell you that.

listening to mumford and sons right now. i don't know the lead singer's name but his voice is making me slightly emotional, and that is a VERY rare occurence so they must be a bit special. they're playing city screen basement in york 6th feb and i'm going to organise a gathering, or at least try. if no one wants to go, i will go on my own and look all cultured in the crowd. i still haven't forgiven my friends for not wanting to come see glasvegas in castleford last year and look how famous they are now. they will never come to cas vegas again, and i missed my chance! grrr.

okay so i've just watched the first episode of skins, and i'm having very mixed feelings. now i never was one of those "omfrrickinggod why have you got rid of the old cast" people, i was really looking forward to the new cast. and for the most part, i quite like the new cast. naomi (the blonde girl) and emily (the quiet twin) seem very intruiging, i think they're my favourites so far. however, the other twin, katie, cannot act to save her life. i'm sorry but in my opinion that was gcse drama grade C standard, not good enough for a show with a reputation like skins. i'm thinking already that they might do an anwar on her next series-realise she can't act and then cut her out of most of it. effy of course stood out, but to be fair to the other members of the cast, she's had an extra 2 years experience. one thing i didn't like was the amount of 'slapstick' humour. with a few exceptions, series one of skins was very understated when it came to humour with a lot of the characters, i felt this episode was slightly dumbed down. the stresshead teacher is not realistic at all, it's basically taking angie from series one and brechtifying her. however, i'm not going to be all negative- the preview for the rest of the series looks IMMENSE. me and our william were both sat there squealing- william more about seeing effy shag someone to be honest. bless fifteen year olds. he now thinks that all college students spend their time in the corridors taking drugs and having sex in the toilets. i had to tell him that sadly that's untrue, his little face broke my heart.

so, much as i'd like to write something interesting or relevant and prove that i'm not a boring old fart, i'm far too tired to even put my words together properly. bed time for me i think. i hope mr sandman is kind!

victoria x

I ran away
I could not take the burden of both me and you
It was too fast
Casting love on me as if it were a spell I could not break
When it was a promise I could not make
- from 'hold on to what you believe', mumford and sons, mmmmm yummy.