Thursday 15 January 2009

manflu is unisex you know.

urghhhh i am so, so, ill. like on my deathbed, written out my will and been administred the last rites ill. okay so maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, i haven't yet been given the last rites. the priest is on his way though. i HATE colds, i know they're only supposed to be a minor little ailment but they make you feel so poxy and crappy when you have one. i'm having to cancel my babysitting tonight (my current only source of income) because i don't want to pass on my disgusting germs to the kids. looks like a night on the sofa with my duvet and gavin and stacey boxset is on the cards. i might take tomorrow off college as well, i'm determined not to miss my outing tomorrow night with bee so i'll need my rest and recuperation!

it seemed a bit pointless going into college today, i only had one lesson- english lit, which was completly ruined. this awful boy was sat next to me and he smelt skeggy, although skeggy is NOT a word. and then he had the cheek to say i stank of perfume and then he called my face grotesque. it ruined my whole day i tell you, and now my self confidence is at an all time low. i don't want to name any names so i will use a code, h*rr*. i hope he's not reading this, i don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that his snide little comments have really got to me, sob sob sob. (bahahaha, hope you like your mention, as promised :), the first instalment of 'harri-hate'- my new regular feature!)

so then when juliette didn't turn up to theatre i gave up and decided to just go home. my bus ride was actually peaceful. there's something about listening to the beatles on winding country lanes through villages. it calmed me and my coughing throat down until i arrived at my grandmas and she gave me some special honey drink. which was ick to be honest but i gulped it down because it might help fight my illness. i doubt it though, i can feel life ebbing out of me every second.

found out today i've been selected for the sixties fashion show, this surprised and pleased me greatly. i only auditioned on a whim and because my friend ben is on the course, and i'm certainly not what i'd call model-like, but i'll give it my all. i love sixties fashion (i hope i'm allowed to be a mod or beatnik!) and music so it should be really fun times :D. the show's on the 26th february and i hope lots of people come watch it- the highlight will be seeing jamie in a lycra catsuit, muahaha.

today i was also thinking about the sims 2. now this is a weird thing to think about, i grant you, but does anyone remember when you used to make characters and you had to pick an aspiration for them? like money, love, all that kind of thing. i used to love making character versions of myself and i'd always give them the aspiration 'family'. i've always been the old fashioned 2.4 children, 1 husband and a dog kind of girl. however i realized today that my actual aspiration in life is the 'knowledge' option. i want to know EVERYTHING, i want to know everybody's gossip, i want to know the endings to every book on every shelf, i want to know what all those scientific theories really mean, i want to speak oodles of languages, i want to know the story behind every face that i see. i think the reason why i have this natural thirst for knowledge is my wonderful dad (who has this minute come into the house blasting about 'how fucking untidy it is in this cess-pit') insisting that instead of having a couch potato child, i'd be given books. i could read competently, as well as i can read now, by the age of six and a half, something my parents have always bursted with pride about. i think that's why i've always wanted to teach as well- wanting to know so much gives me a desire to impart any knowledge i might gain onto others. oh i am a pretentious twit.

wish it was summer. winter seems to be all doom and gloom after christmas, i miss light evenings and days without sub-zero temperatures. only a few months to go though, and it is getting a little bit warmer, i went out without a coat yesterday and didn't immediatly get frostbite so its a start!

anyway this cold is making me feel boring and unstimulated so i'm going to leave my rambling thoughts. i must warn you this may be my last ever blog as i feel the grim reaper hovering over me. please play the macarena at my funeral. see you all in hell.*

a bientot, victoria x

* disclaimer- i'm sure you're all actually going to heaven to be little cherubs.

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