Monday 12 January 2009

tales from the secret annexe

i want to go on living, even after my death- anne frank.

yet another wet day.
i quite like rain, it beats the other forms of precipitation (hail, snow, eurgh) and it PWNS over wind. i swear, god created wind to piss people who spend meticulous hours on their hair, like me, off. but rain's pretty inoffensive, in fact i'd go as far to say it's pretty romantic. i've been kissed in the rain and it is quite lovely, although not half as lovely as the films would tell you.

so, according to mother, we finally have home internet (albeit a crappy connection) thanks to a mysterious object called a "dongle". i'm going to give it a try tonight, hopefully it'll be enough to get me onto facebook/blogger/other websites i peruse that i don't want people knowing about because it would damage my reputation (perezhiltoncoughcough). until then it's back to library on one at college, waiting for history to start. there's something wrong with me at the moment because i'm just not connecting with history at all. i think it's because i'm not paticularly motivated by the characters we're studying at the moment. henry vii just doesn't do it for me (unlike his altogether more interesting son). to tell you the truth, i'm much more of a feminist historia. give me joan of arc, katherine swynford or marie antoinette any day of the week and i can relate to and understand the history a lot more. hopefully things will pick up soon- in general i love history and i love zoe, my tutor. i guess i just need to find my own view on what i'm learning about.

so, le weekend. friday night was a bit of a downer. last episode of anne frank was on. it's amazing how anne's story, no matter how many times i read/watch it, has the ability to move me like almost no other. by the end of it i was weeping my little eyes out. what i loved about this adaptation was that it didn't show anne as a martyr. despite her being one of my personal heroines, i can see how easily people must have been pissed off with her in the annexe. dussel and margot were portrayed in a much more sympathetic light, which i really appreciated. i also liked the fact that peter wasn't presented as some kind of tragic romantic hero, he was presented as the often infuriatingly cloudy boy he is in the diary. lesley sharpe was inspired as petronella van daan, at first i didn't like the casting at all, but again she threw a sympathetic and understandable light on a character who is so maligned in anne's diary. i hope the programme helped raise awareness for anne's story for people my own age who don't know it. my own brother asked me who anne frank was, and i think it is important that she and her diary are never forgotten and serve as a constant reminder of the holocaust. anti-semetic jokes are rife these days, but personally i will not use the word "jew" as an insult, however much in jest, EVER. it's the first dangerous step to a repeat of the atrocities comitted just sixty years ago.

i went sales shopping yesterday, it was reasonably sucessful. i purchased a fred-perry-alike tennis dress and a illustratedpeople cardigan, both from topshop, and some cute little ballet flats from primark, so i came home a happy girl, even happier to watch the hilarious (and somehow quite sexy...) james corden present the sunday night project. giggles all around.

oh, this is a cry for help- if anyone knows of ANY job or work going in my area (selby-leeds-york), PLEASE let me know. i now have approximatly £7 to my name and when that's gone... it's gone. so please help me earn my keep before i get turfed out onto the streets and have to start selling myself :) none of us would want that!

wrote a very short story on saturday night, it's called "the looking glass". it's pretty shitty as all my original writing has been recently, but once again i'm getting back into the swing of things. i'll try to post tonight if i can get the dongle working. it's not an "erotic novel" i'll leave those to a woman we all know and love ;). i also want to tweak 'no internet' for posting, it's not quite ready yet but if i've got a spare half an hour tonight, i'll have a look.

aaah so i'm now sat at home on the dongle. that sounds very wrong, oh well, imagine what you will. how sickening. but yes, i had a right big brother moment whilst typing out this beast earlier, a little pop-up came up on my screen saying "this is not college work, please turn it off". the librarians scare me, i'm sorry to say, they really do. i read a bit of our english lit anthology on the way home. i hope for our other poetry unit we do auden, i gave him a quick deek and his poems seemed a lot more interesting and relevant than the other poets. hmm we will see, i have faith in bridget to pick us someone decent!

anyway, this has been a pretty long blog so i'll leave it now. poem and/or short story to come later in the evening hopefully. ooh whilst i remember as well, anyone from the girls' high/qegs (who i'm friends with, i'm well aware that most of the pathetic boys at that institution aren't my biggest fans) who fancies a meet up this weekend, give me a buzz on my mobile or facebook :).

a bientot, victoria x

1 comment:

  1. babe, i cried my fucking heart out at the closing credits on Anne Frank, when it said where they all ended up and where they died. as soon as the word 'Auschwitch' came up, i was blubbing to my mum something like 'it was so cruel! so sad!' through my rather random tears! ohh i did feel daft when the young rather attractive tesco boy knocked on the door 20 seconds later! bahhaa!
