Friday 9 January 2009

my mind feels like a big squashy lump today.

baaah i wish i could post a picture to make this blog look a bit more interesting, however all my best photographs are on the laptop. at home. still without internet connection, urgh. i'm finding it harder than i thought i would, which is really pathetic i know. but i'm used to my home comforts and it's hard to fill my gappy evenings up without eating shitloads and watching friends re-runs again and again and again, there's only so much time you can hear ross say "we were on a break" without it feeling, well... a bit old.
so last night in a effort to do at least something productive, i wrote a poem. i'm glad because it's the first one i've written since...ermm... august? i think, and although it's not my best one (writer's block is still my favourite), i'm using the excuse that i need to get back in the swing of things before producing an opus! the new poem is called no internet (yes i know, original) and it started as a lament to how bored i was and ended up meandering about the passing of time. if (fingers crossed) my lovely mother has restored the wi-fi to its full glory at home i'll post it up, crappy as it is, and i guess you can judge for yourself.
finally finished my english coursework, it actually wasn't as hard or tedious as i expected. in fact i found the further i got with it, the more i have to say on the subject and it was quite hard to distill it to the word count. king lear is an immense play, i love everything of the bard's that i've read- but i'm glad to have moved onto something different now. madame bovary is picking up as well, now that emma bovary has stopped moping and actually started shagging people i'm finding the whole affair a bit more interesting.
first driving lesson tomorrow. i should be more nervous about this, i've never been the of people... and it'll be a miracle if me, the car, and the instructor come away unscathed. however i suppose it has to be done, i can't go catching the 403 forever, espcially as the timetable is becoming increasingly shite.
i'm suffering from a lack of creative inspiration today, apologies for how blabbery i am, i guess i can't be pretentiously intellectual all the time ;)
shopping on sunday as well, i want to get one of those oversized holey jumpers fearne cotton has. in my opinion that girl cannot put a foot wrong fashion wise. alexa is beginning to grate on me a little bit, she seems a bit stuck up and very aware of her hotness, but fearne is a girls' girl with a very accessible way of dressing. her and diana vickers were definitly my fashion crushes of 2008, with michelle williams shaping up to take over in 2009. post-heath michelle is an absolute fashion fox, her look is so undone. i love it.
okay so it's 4:15. it's about time to go i think, weekend awaits :D. have a good one, hopefully will post up soon when i'm feeling a bit less stupid than i am now.
a bientot, victoria x

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