Wednesday 7 January 2009

new year, old ties.

so i'm returned healthy and happy from classy ol' tenerife and i'm now sitting in the glamourous hub on two in college, oh how the mighty have fallen. no seriously it's good to back with the muskateers amy, liv, jess, kathryn and the rest and i hope i haven't missed out on TOO much gossip ;). in any case, it's good to get back to work, although my king lear essay is still looming over me, urrgh. i'm considering taking a day off tomorrow to do it, however having had the first two days of the week off, i'm not sure it's a good idea.

ANYWAY, the holiday. well i got to spend a week with the lovely francesca and my lovely parents. francesca and me got on really well all week (well except for one minor sciff in a taxi on the way back from a night on the tiles, it was almost handbags at dawn!) and we had some right giggles for instance when fran got to grips with a very unsexy kevin, the cabaret man, in a version of livin da vida loca which left nothing to the imagination. i also took part in karaoke (i know, i know) with a ahem, rousing rendtion of lay all your love on me. the applause was...half-hearted, sadly. worst moment of the holiday was when i drowned. i kid you not, not one, but two massive waves pulled me under for at least 10 seconds each, it was so scary i had to run out of the sea coughing and spluttering. i am such a baby.

the weather was beautiful of course, it was horrible to come to back to -5 degrees cold, i swear i didn't get to sleep until half past one, i was shaking with cold, as well as crying myself to sleep after une grande dispute with the parents. gosh i'm turning so emo in my old age. i realized today that 2008 was my last full year as a child, in 2009 i shall reach fully fledged, official adulthood. this scares me as i don't act or feel like i'd expect an adult to feel or act. no matter how much i try, i still make irrational decisions and have stupid thoughts. i hope that by the time i hit the mystical eighteen i'm slightly more grown up, somehow i doubt it.

being alone in college for pretty much the first time ever is actually quite refreshing, i'm enjoying spending a bit of me-time with my new best friend, the iPod touch and rediscovering Hot Chip's second album, it's fun times. Seeing as my home internet connection has died, this is my only oppertunity to blog/check my Facebook. It's hard living a frugal, non Wi-Fi life I tell thee!

Making headway with Madame Bovary (still haven't started Anna Karenina). To be honest, it's not all that amazing. I'm a bit disappointed as it had been strongly recommended to me by someone I used to work with, but I'm finding the language stifling and boring as opposed to the elegant and charming Austen. As a heroine, Emma Bovary doesn't do it for me either- whilst I love the discontented bride Hedda Gabler (insanely psycho bitch), Emma strikes me as being pathetic and spineless. Still, I'm only halfway through so perhaps things will pick up pace a bit. Started Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in English Lit today as well, only a few pages in but so far the main thing I have learnt that despite my English teacher, Bridget's protestations that I had put in a "stunning" performance, I can't do a Texan accent without slipping into broad Yorkshire!

So yesterday I was thinking about resolutions. Now I don't want to make any strict ones, like I said, but I've come up with five "commandments" I'm going to try to follow in 2009:
1) thou shalt not lose thy heart so easily, thou shalt fix thy passions on attainable males as opposed to the pete dohertys and ron weasleys of the world and thou shalt not lust after other girls' boyfriends.
2) thou shalt be a better daughter and a better friend- espcially to the old one's thou has somewhat neglected.
3) thou shalt not spend all thy hard-earned (more like hard-begged) money on alcohol and mindless nights out, thou shalt save for thy future.
4) thou shalt get a better haircut, thou shalt try harder to be a fashionista.
5) thou shalt finally become alluring.

hmmm only time will tell, i guess.
and this is long and rambling and i REALLY need to do my king lear essay, so until next time.
a bientot, victoria x

1 comment:

  1. you ARE alluring.
    take your mind back to the canteen yesterday afternoon....
